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Daily Devotionals

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Getting into the habit of reading or listening to a good habit.  Here are a few suggestions for you to consider.


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The Bible

Try reading at least a chapter of the Bible a day.  If you can read for about 15 minutes or so, you can read the Bible in a year.  Don't be discouraged if you don't understand everything you read the first time through, and remember it's not a race.  It is, however, good to pray for understanding and to ask the Holy Spirit to teach you what you are reading.

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'My Utmost for His Highest'

 'My Upmost for His Highest,' by Oswald Chambers, edited by James Reiman, Updated Edition, 1992, Discovery House Publishers- A classic daily devotional that is probably best suited for the mature Christian.  It's pretty deep and Oswald will always leave you with a challenge for the day.

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Truth for Life Daily

Truth for Life Daily with Alistair Begg, / devotionals / truth-for-life.  Pastor Begg is really something, calling it like it is.

Website Listings

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Moody Church Hour

Moody Church Hour with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Lutzer has a wonderful internet and radio ministry.  You can find daily devotionals on this web site.

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Day By Day Devotional

Day By Day Devotional with Chuck Swindoll, / devotionals.  Solid teaching and inspiration in a traditional sense.

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Turning Point

Turning Point with Pastor David Jeremiah, radio network teaching ministries- Great stuff.  Pastor Jeremiah is carried on may Christian radio stations and always provides solid Biblical teaching.

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Moody Church 

Moody Church with Pastor Erwin Lutzer, radio network Live Broadcasting-  Great stuff.  We listen to Pastor Lutzer every Sunday morning.

Radio Worship and Ministries

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